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City Moose

City Moose

City Moose I saw this young moose dining in town this morning on the shrubs at Bunnell Arts Gallery               The first picture seems to ask what business is it of mine!

Rain and Wind

Rain and Wind

Rain & Wind   Went out to the spit this morning gail force winds on Kachemak Bay so with the rain and wind I’m putting off the Alder cutting we’ll see how it goes. The ferry had the wind blowing NE which was good for this docking at least!         Here Foss […]

Just hanging!

Just hanging!

Just hanging out here having an Americano at Killick’s Brew cafe. Unlike Tom Dooley! Nice little coffee shop close to all my stops, I have a few tasks to take care of so I’m planning them out. Some are weather related, we’ll see which way the thermometer heads today.

The Chili’s On!

The Chili’s On!

The Chili’s On! The Chili’s On! the question is to add Brer Rabbit Molasses or not? I’m thinking just a smidgen , now don’t get me wrong I don’t really like sweet Chili but just a hint with the smoke could be good!     You will notice 1 onion is gone, and yes those […]

Rainy Rainy Day!

Rainy Rainy Day!

Rainy Rainy Day! The weather widget to the left says Moderate rain Yeah they should be here standing out in it! Anyway in the middle of doing the Laundry I went to Fritz Creek General Store for a coffee refill and Cinnamon Roll and picked up this beautiful loaf of bread, just the kind of […]

Stormy Weather

Stormy Weather

Stormy Weather Just a couple pictures I have of a trip in some stormy weather we were in….reminds me of what’s going on right now outside my door, it’s suppose to blow 50-70 knot winds 27 foot seas should be good. This boat has one of the best hull designs for entering the water…dives right […]

Merry Christmas to All!

Merry Christmas to All!

Merry Christmas to All!   I took this picture of this beautiful tree in 2012 when we actually had some snow- Enjoy this time of year be Thankful and Joyful for the wondrous life on this beautiful Planet whatever your station in this life since it’s all taking place in such a beautiful Universe not […]