Site Layout
The sketch shows going up the driveway heading almost due North (319 degrees) anyway the gravel roads are solid so stay on them. Work is continuing on roads,, landscaping and foundation reclamation then backfill.
To back into Site #1 or #2 its best to drive up around right of the foundation easy curving to the left, well past the pad until the rear of your trailer is positioned just where you want it positioned to back into the pad. For Sites #3 or #4 its best to drive up around left of the foundation easy curving to the right, well past the pad until the rear of your trailer is positioned just where you want it positioned to back into the pad. If done right you should hardly have to turn your steering when backing up…most folks seem to oversteer, good luck. I think it’s actually best to back into any RV Site here drive up and around then past the Site planning now how your Trailer will be positioned when you back into the Site. Sites #5 and #6 should be entered by backing in downhill, after passing the entrance while going uphill. Does that make sense?