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Going After the Alders

Going After the Alders

This is what I’m up against……….therefore the reason for Mr. Chainsaw, however I would rather cut most alders during the winter when the sap is less in the tree…better for smoking fish.  

Progress is slow but persistent

Progress is slow but persistent

When I contacted my friend about this property he thought the land was mostly clear of objects, the grass, alder and pushki is so tall I couldn’t really see anything except a few car bodies. After exploring the area I realize there are at least 20, and my friend Gary, who has the tow company […]

Exploring and Being amazed!

Exploring and Being amazed!

Just grubbing and clearing this beautiful area with as little impact as possible. It’s hard to wait until I can start with the improvements and Landscaping. I had a website started and recently changed hosting so I had to build a new site, with a new program, I’ll be a little while sorting this out, really […]