Winners Circle at Longacres

Far left in winners circle at Longacres

I would just like to say I am thankful for each and every day, the beautiful ones when everything seems to line up and flow. The challenging ones when everything seems to be fractured and impossible to arrange which always makes me stronger and reminds me to work harder and smarter. This year I truly am most thankful for Dan North giving me the opportunity on this property.

I turned 66 years old last month so I do have some history and experience to draw on. First I really didn’t expect to live this long considering the hedonistic reckless lifestyle I supported for most of my adult years since I was sixteen years old through about age 45, then I started realizing I was not bullet proof or always going to have family, friends or plenty of cash.

I’m in the middle of writing a autobiography of my adventures which will be unbelievable to most people in fact some of the episodes were flat out dangerous. In the long run I still don’t regret anything since I truly had an exciting life. So here’s to living it up and soon summing it it up.

Happy Thanksgiving!